Get ready for your match with these tennis warm-ups that are sure to boost your overall tennis performance.

Tennis Warm-Ups To Boost Your Tennis Performance

A lot of tennis players are warming up incorrectly, which causes injuries. You need to be ready for the game with a good warm-up routine.

Most people skip the warm-up entirely or just do some light jogging and stretching, which isn't enough to get your body ready for peak performance on the court. 

These tennis warm-up exercises and stretches will help improve flexibility, mobility, strength, and power, so you have more stamina during tennis matches.

This way, you can enjoy making progress without having any setbacks due to injury!

Why you should warm up before playing tennis

Most people don't do their bodies any favors by skipping warm-ups before playing sports or exercising. Not only is it dangerous, but you're also not giving your body enough time to physically and mentally prepare for the workout ahead.

Warming up before playing tennis is essential for injury prevention and performance, but most people don't do it because they find the process tedious or inefficient.

5 Key benefits of effective tennis warm-ups

  1. Increases blood circulation and body temperature allowing muscles to work more efficiently.
  2. It awakens the nervous system and prepares your muscles for movement.
  3. It helps prepare the heart and lungs for intense exercise.
  4. It helps refine your movement patterns and enhances your coordination.
  5. Active stretching prepares your muscles for the forces they will encounter while playing tennis.

How do you warm up for tennis?

An optimal tennis warm-up to prevent injury should be a full-body dynamic warm-up.

The structure of a good tennis warm-up routine:

Cardio warm-up

Starting your tennis warm-up with 3-5 minutes of skipping or jogging (forward, backward, and lateral).

Skipping is helpful for tennis players as it enables them to coordinate their arm and leg movements and keeps them on their toes right from the start.

Skipping is an excellent upper and lower body warm-up and only requires a rope and a small space to get started. The impact of skipping is less on your knees than that of running, so knee injuries are less likely.

Mobility warm-up

Mobility exercises can be interpreted as a stretching process, or a means to loosen up the entire body.

A benefit of mobility exercises in tennis is that they open up the entire kinetic chain rather than isolating a specific muscle group.

Joint mobilization and muscle lengthening exercises are effective ways to lengthen muscles throughout the body, preventing injury.

The multidirectional ranges and tennis loading patterns make this important before participating in a tennis match.

Stretching or foam rolling

During your dynamic warm-up, you may find that some areas of your body get a little tight, which need to be released or lengthened before exercising.

You can elongate muscles and open up joints for correct movement patterns by using simple foam roller exercises and stretching for tennis.

A limited thoracic rotation, for example, can inhibit your rotation on your forehand, causing you to whip your arm to produce power and hit the tennis ball.

Muscle activation warm-up

When you activate your muscles before playing tennis, you stimulate their nervous systems and wake them up.

Some tennis players prefer to activate their core or glute muscles, while others prefer to perform a resistance band routine for the rotator cuff.

Muscle fatigue should not be confused with muscle activation, which works by stimulating the muscles before you exercise for tennis, not tiring them out.


Shadowing mimics movements that would be done on the tennis court.

As part of a dynamic warm-up, following specific tennis movement patterns will activate the nervous system of a player's body.

Perform tennis shadowing by alternating between forehands, backhands, volleys, overheads, and smashes for three minutes.

Shadowing is also helpful as a method of mentally preparing for a tennis match, getting your head in the game before stepping onto the court.

Tennis warm-up drills

Before making powerful swings and quick movements from the baseline, you should practice smaller swings first.

Keep the tennis ball contained within the service boxes by rallying with another player at the center of the service line.

A mini-tennis practice helps you get into the swing of things before you play a match in the beginning stages of your groundstrokes and volleys.

Remember, you should still try to win the point in practice drills to hit the ground running during the actual match and hit those balls!

The three most common tennis warm-up questions

1. What exercises are good for tennis?

  • Leg swings: forward, back, side, 10x each direction on each leg
  • Arm circles while jogging, walking, or backpedaling
  • Knee to chest tuck jump
  • Forward lunge: reach arms up and bend backward, focus on balance
  • A skips
  • Walking spiderman: eyes follow hand with trunk rotations
  • High knees: stand straight, knees up, toes up
  • Butt kicks: knees down, slight forward lean
  • Carioca: shoulders square, feet shoulder-width apart, rotate from hips down)
  • High step: rotate the trunk, same side
  • Lateral lunge: keep knees directly above the ankle, push hips back, leaning forward
  • Jumping jacks: three directions, then reverse, 10x
  • Inverted hamstring: flat back, hips square
  • Inchworms: hips up, knees and legs straight
  • Reverse skip: rotate hips, knee up and out
  • Sprints
  • Side shuffle: push off inside leg, swing arms across the body

2. What are good stretches for tennis?

Dynamic stretching versus static stretching

Dynamic stretching:

Dynamic stretches move the body. They aren't held for long periods of time. Good dynamic stretches include movements like:

  • Arm circles
  • Butt kicks
  • Leg swings

Static stretching:

In contrast, static stretches involve holding a stretched position for a prolonged period of time. A triceps stretch or a butterfly stretch are examples of static stretches.

3. How long should a tennis warm-up be?

Before starting a match, players usually warm up their bodies with a series of exercises for about 5-10 min.

Follow it with some practice drills to fine-tune serves and strokes, move up to the service box, and do a few quick volleys for another 10-15 minutes.

Final thoughts

Warming up before a match will prevent injury and boost performance.

The key takeaway is that even if you're an amateur at tennis or Rafael Nadal, it's crucial to have a warm-up routine before you play or attempt to hit balls on the tennis court.

As in any sport, it's essential to take care of yourself!

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