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Now, it's time to do a drill that helps you with your volleys, so help you with your volley timing. Helping with your volley reaction and actually help you with your volley placement. And so the first sequence we're going to do is simply stand across from your opponent and go back and forward using backhand and forehand. 

The key here is making sure that you focus on just turning your shoulders, keeping the swing nice and small. We're not trying to compete here. We're trying to keep the ball going and keeping it in the air. The trick is that you have to position your body by turning your shoulders and getting that angle. 

You want to do it on this side and then jump onto the next side into it. So let's see how it's done. This is a great drill to just focus on keeping it nice and short and working on your footwork. Notice how I'm just turning really small and controlling the volley. There's not a lot of swinging small shoulder turns, even if I hit it too low.

 The other thing to focus on is your racket face, making sure it's slightly open to give the ball a little lift. If you do this drill enough, you're going to get way better at controlling your volleys, whether you're playing singles or doubles. The next sequence is my partner is going to get me two balls and on a third ball she's going to pop it up and I'm going to go down the line, so I'm changing the directions. 

This is a great drill to also focus on changing directions and your placement, make sure you do this on both sides because if you find that one side is harder than the other, that might be a side you need to work on more, making sure that it's not a weakness that shows up in your matches. So make sure you go out and do these two drills.

They're great drills to help you with reaction time and making sure that you can handle any sort of volley, whether you're playing singles or doubles.

Volley Tennis Drill

Getting to the net and closing out points can greatly improve your overall game. But a good volley is easier said than done, and in this video we give you a drill to improve your volley game (and win more matches while you're at it).

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